Safe Routes to Transit Grant Win

Author: Bike East Bay


We’re extremely pleased to announce that the City of Concord’s application to receive funds for Safe Routes to Transit projects has been accepted!

That’s $200,000 in Bicycle and Transit improvements, which specifically targets improving non-motorized access to BART stations. The MTC should be officially allocating the funds in February and Concord City Council will likely hold an acceptance meeting in March. 

One of the most exciting elements of this grant is the establishment of a Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). 

What is a BPAC and how can it help?

A BPAC is a group of knowledgeable volunteers who are appointed by the City Council to advise them on all bike-related matters. Among their duties, they review road projects to insure cyclist needs are considered; recommend bicycle infrastructure improvements; lobby for grant funding to finance those improvements; and advocate policy and procedure changes to eliminate longstanding anti-cycling bias within many local government departments. These volunteers represent your official voice in City Hall.

The BPAC ensures a stable and constant liaison between the city and informed residents, and helps EBBC’s work enormously. If you are interested in becoming an active participant in Concord’s future BPAC, please contact