Rich City Rides’s Update: New Shop a Success

Author: Bike East Bay

An article in the Richmond Pulse goes over Rich City Rides’ work in Richmond, filling in a big gap. 

Ever since Richmond Spokes closed in 2013, Richmond lacked any sort of bike shop. In turn, Rich City Rides had been moving offices and struggling to find a permanent space from which to base their operations. In September 2014, they moved to the shopfront at 1500 MacDonald avenue and started fixing up and selling bikes. 

In addition to providing Richmond with a much needed business, Rich City Rides has organized over 30 rides since 2012 and helps teach youth how to take care of and tune-up bikes. 

Read the full article here.

Check Rich City Rides out at 1500 Macdonald Ave. from 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday and noon to 5pm on Saturdays.
For more information, call 510-205-0625.