Regional Round of ATP Grants Awarded to East Bay

Author: Bike East Bay

Rumrill Blvd in San Pablo gets $4.3 million for parking protected bike lanes and a $4.5 million major upgrade will extend Telegraph Ave’s bike lanes to 41st St.

These two projects, along with three sidewalk projects in Castro Valley, are recommended for funding from the regional pot of Active Transportation Program funds, to be approved Oct 14 at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

Rumrill also gets protected curbside sections, with green paint through most intersections, and in some section parking protected bike lanes. The project connects to planned bike lanes on San Pablo Ave, Contra Costa College, and when the Richmond section of Rumrill gets built, to Richmond BART. 

Telegraph’s upgrades include bus boarding islands with curbside bike lanes and bike traffic signals at busy intersections to control right turning cars. Telegraph will also reposition several bus stops to far side locations and incorporate smart technology for buses to hold green signals green and clear intersections. Help connect Telegraph Ave to a network of protected bike lanes as part of Plan Downtown Oakland.

And a big high five to BikeWalkCV and their team of local grant writers for collectively raising the scores of Alameda County Public Works’ ATP grant applications over 30 points. BikeWalkCV spent endless hours writing the grants they are receiving–a terrific example of how local groups can assist hard-working local agency staff. Learn more about the good work of BikeWalkCV.

Regional Projects Funded in East Bay




Funded Amount ($thousands)



Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets


Contra Costa

San Pablo

Rumrill Blvd Complete Streets




Castro Valley Safe Routes to School




Creekside Middle School Safe Routes to Schools




Stanton Elementary School Safe Routes to Schools (Design and Right-of-Way Only)


Here is the regional list of projects, both funded and unfunded

Bike East Bay worked with several local cities on their grant applications for this money and our close work paid off. The East Bay is receiving over $26 million in grants, well above our proportational share based on population. In addition to the projects funded, several local projects scored well but just missed the cut. Piedmont is on the wait list to get funding to do road diets with bike lanes on Grand Ave and Highland Ave.

Statewide Round of ATP Funding




Funded Amount ($thousands)



9th Street Bicycle Blvd Pathway Extension, Ph. 2




19th Street BART to Lake Merritt Urban Greenway


Contra Costa


Rio Vista Elementary School Pedestrian Connection


Contra Costa


Bailey Rd/SR-4 Interchange Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements


Contra Costa


Yellow Brick Rd in Richmond’s Iron Triangle


More details on the East Bay projects recommended for funding by staff in the Statewide Round of the 2015 ATP. 

Check out the 2013 round of Active Transportation Program local grants received

Would you like to see a protected bike lane like this leading from your home to your city’s downtown? (photo from Copenhagen)

Join Bike East Bay to support our campaigns to build more modern bikeways for you to ride everyday.