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Raised Bikeway Concept Unveiled for Mission Blvd. in Cherryland

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: November 25, 2019

November 2019

This month, Alameda County Public Works unveiled raised and separated bikeway concepts for Mission Boulevard in Cherryland, and they look great. This one-mile segment of Mission Blvd. is a key piece of the E. 14th/Mission Blvd. corridor, a major spine in central Alameda County. As we wrote in this fall’s RideOn, Bike East Bay is working with partners to advocate for protected bikeways and transit-first designs along the entire corridor.

The latest concepts for Mission Blvd between Rte. 238 and the border with Hayward will connect seamlessly with adjacent projects in Hayward and Ashland. Together, these three major projects will create a continuous 2.5-mile bikeway from 162nd Avenue in Ashland to Downtown Hayward.

Not only do the design concepts from the County mean a continuous connection between unincorporated Ashland/Cherryland and Hayward: the raised and separated bike lane concept also includes excellent, state of the art design features, including protected intersections, bus boarding islands, shortened crossing distances for people walking, and green infrastructure.

The proposed design also closes several dangerous “free” right turn slip lanes onto Lewelling Blvd. and Mattox Rd., which will create more space for people and planting. And, the protected intersection concept at Hampton Rd. and Mattox Rd. will accommodate a future crossing for the San Lorenzo Creek Trail, a project the Hayward Area Recreation District plans to pursue in the coming years.

The excellent design concepts are the result of strong community organizing by local advocates who have been working for increased safety, beautification, and greenery in the unincorporated Eden Area of Alameda County. As next steps, Bike East Bay will work with local leaders, disability advocates, and AC Transit to ensure that the final design details serve all users, and collaborate with the County to secure construction funding.

Check out the designs, and share your support and comments with the project team.

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