Transit is in trouble and needs your support. Bus drivers, mechanics, station agents, and riders need protective gear; vehicles and stations need daily cleaning. If Congress does not authorize more emergency transit funding, the substantial cuts in transit service you are experiencing today will remain or may be cut further. More commuters may have to drive, further clogging the streets you use to bike.
Sign and share the following petitions from our transit partners at Amalgamated Transit Union and Transit Center.
Bay Area Assistance
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Locals 192, 265, and 1574, in partnership with East Bay Democratic Socialists of America are asking the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to allocate federal dollars for the health and safety of riders and workers in the Bay Area. Support their asks here.
Federal Action Needed
Transit Center, a national transit advocacy and research organization, has organized a petition that supports a national sign on letter to demand the White House coordinate provision of N95 masks and other protective gear for frontline transit workers. You can sign the petition here.
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) International is demanding that transit agencies and private contractors provide stronger safety protections for workers. You can support this national ask here.