Pleasanton’s new video detection device

Author: Bike East Bay

Calling all P-Town cyclists: this just in from Joshua Pack of Pleasanton PW.

“The City of Pleasanton is in the process of procuring a new traffic signal vehicle detection device. The device – known as the “Intersector” – is a radar style detection device and is unique in that it can identify and differentiate different vehicle types, including bicycles! When a bicycle approaches an intersection, the device would have the ability to detect the bicycle AND adjust traffic signal timing (green time) to allow sufficient time for the bicycle to clear an intersection. When bicycles aren’t present it would allow shorter minimum green times more appropriate for motorized traffic. The device is also impervious to various weather conditions (wind, fog, twilight, heat and cold, etc) that can affect other tradition vehicle detection technologies.

We have procured a single demonstration unit to test for one intersection approach. If the unit operates successfully the City may look to purchase additional devices along high volume bicycle routes. In the long term it may be a solution for comprehensive vehicle and bicycle detection at all signalized intersections in town.

I’m looking for input from the local bicycle community for potential installation locations. We have identified a few locations internally based on past resident inquiries, but folks involved with the EBBC are more intimately familiar with Pleasanton bike routes and traffic signal locations where bicycle detection may be an issue. Could you circulate this request to the EBBC and solicit feedback for us? I’m hoping for feedback by the end of next week (April 9, 2010).

Once a location is identified we would procure and install the devices. I would then let you and the EBBC know about the installation and ask for feedback on the device effectiveness.”

Contact Joshua at or 925.931.5667.