Oakland preparing another new bike lane: this time 10th Street

Author: Bike East Bay

The City of Oakland is preparing plans for completing a new bike lane on 10th St between Oak St and 5th Ave., connecting to Laney College, the Oakland Museum of California, Dewey High School, La Escuelito Elementary School and MetWest High School, and will provide a better connection to Lake Merritt BART Station.

Let the City of Oakland know you support this new bikeway.

The 10th St Bikeway Project would create a 0.5-mile bikeway intersecting with the existing bikeway on 5th Ave and the 4th Ave Bikeway, pending construction. To the west, it would connect to a bikeway on Oak St, under development (as part of the Oak St/Madison St couplet). In addition, the new bike lanes will replace the diagonal parking recently installed on 10th St as part of the school construction project at the Oakland Unified School District.

The bikeway project is recommended in the City’s Bicycle Master Plan. The Plan calls for the installation of bikeways throughout Oakland to encourage bicycling as a healthy, non- polluting and affordable transportation option, helping Oakland to realize its sustainability and livability goals.

Funding would be provided by Oakland’s share of Measure B, Alameda County’s 1⁄2-cent transportation sales tax administered by the Alameda County Transportation Commission, using revenues solely dedicated to bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Let the City of Oakland know you support this new bikeway.