Moraga Ped Bike Plan Draft Released

Author: Bike East Bay

Moraga’s draft Ped Bike Plan will be available as of August 29 (at and also at the Moraga Planning Department, 329 Rheem Boulevard). Written comments will be accepted until October 7 and should be sent by mail or email to:

Coleman Frick, Associate Planner
Moraga Planning Department
329 Rheem Boulevard
Moraga, CA  94556

Oral comments may be made at the October 3, 2016 hearing of the Moraga Planning Commission [check here for agenda]. In addition, the Moraga Town Council is tentatively scheduled to consider the Walk | Bike Plan at its meeting on October 26. Planning Commission and Town Council meetings begin at 7:00 pm and are held at the Moraga Council Chambers and Community Meeting Room (335 Rheem Boulevard, in Moraga).