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Making Moves on Hearst and Milvia

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: December 11, 2018

Bike East Bay and Walk Bike Berkeley are working together to accelerate two important protected bike lane projects, and your voice is needed. The two projects will help build a high-quality, low-stress bike network in Downtown Berkeley. Tips on the projects, who to contact and what to say below. Make your voice heard today! 

Close the Hearst Avenue Gap

Berkeley is extending existing Hearst Avenue protected bike lanes two blocks west from Shattuck Avenue to Milvia Street bicycle boulevard when they repave the street in 2019. Hearst Avenue is a popular bike route to UC Berkeley and Downtown, yet suffers from too many bike and pedestrian collisions. It’s time to close this gap and keep you safe on Hearst.

Email Councilmember Kate Harrison and City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley and let them know you support high-quality, family-friendly bike lanes on Hearst Avenue.

Talking Points:

  • Students bicycling to UC Berkeley deserve a safe bikeway from the Ohlone Greenway to Campus
  • This project will help create a safe network of bikeways in downtown, for both bikes and e-scooters
  • Climate change is upon us and we need to act. Let’s give commuters the option to leave their car keys at home


Speed up Milvia Street Improvements

Walk Bike Berkeley literally put their bodies on the line to speed up the protected bike lane project on Milvia Street. At Biketopia in November, Mayor Arreguin committed to building pilot lanes by Bike to Work Day 2019. Milvia is also in desperate need of smooth pavement south of Blake.

Email Mayor Arreguin and City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley with your support for both pilot protected bike lanes downtown and repaving of Milvia Street in South Berkeley

Talking Points:

  • Please make Milvia safe for people on bikes by building pilot protected bike lanes on Milvia Street downtown by Bike to Work Day 2019.
  • More people bike Milvia Street than any other bikeway in the city and it has the highest number of bicycle injury collisions.
  • Please repave Milvia from Blake to Russell in 2019. The current pavement presents a hazard for people biking.



Learn more about Walk Bike Berkeley.