Livermore Lays Incorrect Blame Instead of Groundwork Along Iron Horse Trail

Author: Bike East Bay

On December 21, Christine Boyle was bicycling on the Iron Horse Trail in Livermore, crossing the intersection of Stanley Blvd. and State Route (SR) 84, when she was struck and killed by a careless truck driver. Just last week, Livermore Police Department released a statement that the victim was at fault for bicycling in the crosswalk, a statement that is contrary to California state law. Join our call to the city of Livermore to retract their statement and immediately improve the bike crossing today.

The driver of the truck was turning right from Stanley Blvd., across the bike crossing, and on to the SR 84 connector. The truck driver, who did not yield and struck and killed Ms. Boyle, was not charged. In response, Bike East Bay has insisted Livermore retract their statement, and that the city immediately stripe a bike crossing at the intersection, much like the bike crossing shown here. Our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of Christine Boyle, senselessly taken from us at yet another location overly designed for cars and trucks. 

Join our call to improve this intersection by contacting:

Ask that Livermore:

  1. Retract the incorrect legal statement that the bicyclist was at fault,
  2. Stripe a bike crossing at the intersection of the Iron Horse Trail and SR 84 Connector, and
  3. Restrict right turns by vehicles when the pedestrian phase is activated at this intersection.