Complete bill text, history, and status, plus contact information for the State Senators and Assembly Members is available at In writing to bill authors and your local representatives, please include your full name and address, and identify yourself as a member of the East Bay Bicycle Coalition. More tips for effective letter writing are available from the League of Women Voters.

State Level

    Complete bill text, history, and status, plus contact information for the State Senators and Assembly Members is available at In writing to bill authors and your local representatives, please include your full name and address, and identify yourself as a member of the East Bay Bicycle Coalition. More tips for effective letter writing are available from the League of Women Voters.

    State Level

    • State Senator Loni Hancock has introduced a bill, SB 1061, which would allow the Bay Area Toll Authority to fund a bicycle-pedestrian-maintenance pathway on the West Span of the Bay Bridge. This is wonderful news for EBBC’s long-term campaign to complete the pathway across entire SFOBB. Please send your personal or organizational support for the bill to Senator Hancock. Download a .pdf of the most recent bill, or search for the most recent updates at the California Legislative Archive.

    Federal Level

    • The Federal Transportation Bill will be renewed this year, and this presents a significant opportunity to fund many projects crucial to bicyclists in the East Bay. EBBC will journey to Washington DC in March to lobby alongside other local coalitions in this regard, and we will keep you updated as to our progress. For more information about the bill or our specific asks, please visit our Federal Transportation Bill Page.

    See our 2009 campaigns and legislation here.