Lakeshore Ave Improvements Coming!

Author: Bike East Bay

*********************UPDATE 10/29/08**********************
The fences are up next to the Pergola and Colonnade[G2:2031 size=195 class=left][G2:2033 size=190 class=left][G2:2025 size=195 class=left]********************************************************** Bike lanes will be coming to Lakeshore and Lakeside (you Oaklanders know the difference) around Lake Merritt as part of Measure DD bond projects. Yay!

The following comes from Councilmember Kernighan’s September E-Newsletter:


Measure DD Lakeshore – El Embarcadero Project Might Begin as Early as End of September

At the end of September or early in October the year-long improvements to El Embarcadero and Lakeshore Avenue will get underway, upgrading this much-used stretch of lake-fronting park. For a complete description of the project’s improvements, go here.

Initially, contractors will fence off the entire project site including the Pergola area but not the sidewalk along Lakeshore Avenue and not El Embarcadero. Then they will repair and install retaining walls, upgrade the shoreline trail, and grade the site in preparation for extensive landscaping, which will take place at the end of the project. During this time, all foot traffic around the lake will be directed to the sidewalk.

Once this phase of the work is complete, the fence will be adjusted to close off the sidewalk and redirect foot traffic to the shoreline path. During this phase the contractors will lay down a multi-use path next to a new planting strip adjacent to the curb.

At the end of the project Lakeshore Avenue will be repaved and re-striped from four travel lanes to two lanes, with a continuous turn lane in the center and Class 2 bike lanes on either side adjacent to the parking lanes.

At the time of writing this update, the start date for work on El Embarcadero hasn’t been determined. That’s the part of the project that will close off the southern couplet to vehicle traffic in order to accommodate the multi-use trail and a new formal plaza. The northern couplet will be widened by two feet and reconfigured to accommodate travel in both directions.

For up-to-dates on this project and other Measure DD projects, visit the Project Status Summary here
