Key Victory for Central Avenue in Alameda

Author: Bike East Bay

Bike Walk Alameda brought over 70 supporters to the Alameda Transportation Commission on November 18 and brought home a 6-0 victory for safer walking and bicycling on Central Avenue in west Alameda. Parents and students spoke, a school principal too, Caltrans, and neighborhood residents, as well as a vocal minority of dissenters. Public testimony was overwhelming. We expect a City Council vote in early 2016.

The project includes a two-way cycle track and westbound bike lanes from Main St to Paden Elementary School, a 4-3 road diet with bike lanes from Paden to Webster St, then a combination of sharrows and buffered bike lanes to Eighth St, and finally a 4-3 road diet with bike lanes from Eighth St to Sherman, where the new bikeway connects to existing bike lanes on Central Ave. 

Victory for Central Ave