‘Share the road’ signs will be placed on eastern and western ends of Warren Ave. between Kato Road and Warm Springs Blvd. during the next phase of construction. Roadway shoulders will be removed. MISSION WARREN AREA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONSTRUCTION UPDATE #3 Warren Ave. Lane Modifications: Effective Week of August 27 Mission Blvd. Temporary Nighttime Road Closure Effective Sept. 4-5 WHO: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority WHAT: Construction for project has officially begun. Upcoming work includes: Mission Boulevard: Roadway restriping and installation of K-rail barrier wall along the roadway shoulder between 880 Mission Blvd. exit and Warm Springs Blvd. Full nighttime road closure in affect on both eastbound and westbound traffic directions. Warren Avenue: Roadway restriping and installation of K-rail barrier wall along westbound traffic lanes between Kato Road and Warm Spring Blvd. Removal of one set of railroad tracks crossing Warren Ave. Removal of trees along Warren Ave. between Kato Rd. and Mission Falls Ct. Installation of K-rail barriers and lane restriping is required to provide space for workers to remove utilities and prepare jobsite for next phase of construction. WHEN: Warren Avenue: Week of August 27 weekdays between hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mission Boulevard: Tuesday, September 4 – September 5 between hours of 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. (NIGHT WORK) WHERE: Southern Fremont along Mission Blvd. between the 880 Mission Blvd Exit and Warm Springs Blvd.; Warren Ave. between Kato Rd. and Warm Springs Blvd. IMPACTS: Temporary nighttime road closure on Mission Blvd and traffic lane modifications to both Mission Blvd and Warren Ave. Mission Warren Area Improvements Project This project is a partnership between VTA, the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC), City of Fremont, Federal Highway Administration and Caltrans to ease congestion, enhance safety and improve local traffic circulation. Mission Boulevard will be widened from 880 to Warm Springs and include newly construction ramps to and from Kato Road. A new Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) bridge and BART bridge will be constructed over Mission Boulevard. Warren Avenue will be lowered underneath the existing railroad corridor. A series of three new bridges (UPRR, BART, maintenance) will be constructed over a fully depressed grade-separated Warren Avenue. Brent Pearse BART Silcon Valley VTA Community Outreach 1436 California Circle Milpitas, CA 95035 408-934-2603 408-550-4559 cell www.vta.org/bart Background Construction has begun on the 9-month Kato Road Grade Separation Project and Road Closure Project. Kato Road will be closed between Warm Springs Blvd and Milmont Drive in spring 2012. The use of alternate routes (Dixon Landing Road and Warren Avenue) will be required during the road closure. The Santa Clare Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in partnership with the City of Fremont, are the lead agencies on the Project. Due to the current closure of one lane in each direction, and overall lane narrowing, no roadway is available for separate bike lanes. Current traffic controls dictate that vehicles travel at a reduced speed of 25 mph to promote safety. Share the Road signs have been installed. VTA encourages bicyclists to stay alert and use extreme caution while traveling on Kato Road during construction. An additional traffic shift is planned to occur soon, and then a full closure in Spring 2012. During the complete closure, no vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian access will be allowed. All phases of construction are anticipated to be completed and Kato Road to reopen in Winter 2013. I am happy to forward this information to any other pertinent parties for whom contact information is available. The BART Silicon Valley project website, www.vta.org/bart , is currently being updated and will be a valuable tool for project related activities and updates. Please call or email me if you have any suggestions or input that would assist the outreach team in communicating project information. Bernice Alaniz Communications Director BART Silicon Valley 1436 California Circle Milpitas CA 95035 Office (408)942-6194 Cell (408)888-9983 bernice.alaniz@vta.org