Imagine a Better Future

Author: bcomadmin

Here is why we are working hard to secure funding to build hundreds of miles of new bikeways and double, no… triple, the numbers of people bicycling.

East Bay Greenway

Imagine riding your bike on the East Bay Greenway all the way from Fruitvale to Fremont on a smooth, well-maintained pathway

Bike Share

Imagine thousands of public bikes for you to use for short trips around town. Now imagine tens of thousands of people riding these bikes every day

Bay Trail

Imagine that the Bay Trail is complete for us and future generations to enjoy. Imagine maintenance vehicles keeping up the Bay trail regularly

Safe Routes to School

Imagine four times as many kids walking and bicycling to school in Alameda County every day, like what happened last Bike to School Day

Connected Bikeway Network

Imagine safe bike routes that connect your neighborhood to everywhere you ride. Imagine millions dedicated to repaving these bikeways so you have a smooth ride

Bikes at night

Imagine your favorite night spot looking like First Fridays in Uptownbikes everywhere!

Bike Stations

Imagine a Bike Station and secure bike parking at every BART Station

Complete Streets

Imagine streets that are great for bicycling, walking, taking transit and just for enjoying your neighborhood

Imagine Copenhagen calling us and asking, Bike East Bay, how did you do it?

We can do it, with your help. It’s all hands on deck to convince voters in November to support a $8 billion plan called Measure BB, a transportation expenditure plan for critical improvements in Alameda County for the next 30 years.

With Federal funding for bikes being drastically cut, a successful Measure BB is more important than ever to provide the funding we need to complete the bicycle network in your city, provide secure bike parking everywhere, and make the promotion of bicycling and walking mainstream. We not only have the opportunity to double, or even triple, the number of people bicycling in Alameda County, we have a unique opportunity to leave for the next generation a transportation system better than the one we inherited.