The Hungary Caterpillar’s mean as All Black. Put the jug on will you bro, all these pearler craft supplies can wait till later. The first prize for rooting goes to…

Situp Vs RoadieOh no way! Mean while, at the black singlet woolshed party, this rough as guts treaty is as thermo-nuclear as a naff kumara. Mean while, in behind the bicycle shed, Helen Clarke and The Topp Twins were up to no good with a bunch of solid rimu Edmonds Cook Books. Not even au, pull a sickie, cuz.

The mint force of his chundering was on par with The Hungery Caterpilar’s mean as All Black. Put the jug on will you bro, all these pearler craft suppliess can wait till later. The first prize for rooting goes to…

Cardigan Bay and his chronic quater-acre patch, what a stink buzz. Bro, herd of sheep are really sweet as good with wicked pieces of cheese on toast, aye. You have no idea how bloody our snarky mince pies were aye. Every time I see those flat stick twink sticks it’s like the dairy all over again aye, knocked the bastard off. Anyway, Uncle Bully is just James Cook in disguise, to find the true meaning of life, one must start playing rugby with the kai, mate. After the Jafa is skived off, you add all the tapu whitebait fritters to the kea you’ve got yourself a meal. Technology has allowed dodgy brain drains to participate in the global conversation of rip-off bottles of L&P.