“I Bike Oakland” Winter Newsletter hits the streets

Author: Bike East Bay

The City of Oakland’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Program is pleased to share the ninth edition of the “I [BIKE] OAKLAND” newsletter. This newsletter provides an overview of the City’s progress implementing Oakland’s Bicycle Master Plan over the last six months (July-December 2011).

Read about all of the new bikeways Oakland striped in the past 7 months and plans for many more bikeways they are working on completing before Bike to Work Day.

“Oakland is proud to invest in better bicycling,” said Mayor Jean Quan at our December 16, 2011 press event in Downtown Oakland.

“We are seeing cutting edge companies like Sungevity choose to locate in Oakland because their employees value being able to bike to work. These 18 miles of new bikeways help make Oakland a great place to live, work, and shop and are another reason Oakland continues to gain recognition for being a top bike friendly city.”

To download the newsletter (.pdf format, 3.7 mb), go to www2.oaklandnet.com/n/OAK033089. The newsletter is currently available in English, and will be available in Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese soon, and posted at www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/PWA/o/EC/s/BicycleandPedestrianProgram/OAK024706.

Thank you for your interest in bicycling and in the City of Oakland!

Jennifer Stanley

Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Coordinator

City of Oakland, Public Works Agency, Infrastructure Plans and Programming Division

250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 4344, Oakland, CA 94612

(510) 238-3983 \| Fax: (510) 238-7415


Oakland: a bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community since September 14, 2010!