Help Us Stripe Bike Lanes on Alcatraz Ave in Oakland

Author: Bike East Bay

The City of Oakland is ready to install new bike lanes on Alcatraz Ave from College Ave to the Berkeley border at Dover St. We are pushing the City of Berkeley to continue the bike lanes west to King Street Bicycle Boulevard.


The Alcatraz Ave Bikeway Project would complete a 0.9-mile section of the Oakland’s bikeway network. It would intersect with the existing bikeways on Telegraph Ave and Colby St as well as a new bikeway on Shattuck Ave, planned for construction in 2013.


Bike lanes can be installed on Alcatraz Ave by striping the wide travel lanes to standard widths. The project will not remove or otherwise affect any parking spaces. Due to congested conditions at the Alcatraz Ave/Telegraph Ave intersection, shared roadway bicycle markings (aka “sharrows,” see reverse) rather than bike lanes will be installed approaching this intersection. Bike lanes help drivers and bicyclists to share the road and encourage bicyclists to ride in the street, not on the sidewalk. The narrower travel lanes will also discourage speeding, a benefit to this residential neighborhood that includes two elementary schools. See the proposed roadway cross section on the reverse.

Send an email of support to or fax (510-238-7415) your comments. Make sure to include your name and street address and indicate you are commenting on the Alcatraz Ave Bikeway Project. For answers to frequently asked questions, please go to

For more information, visit City of Oakland Flyer on Alcatraz Bike Lanes

The project would be funded by a federal Safe Routes to School grant and is planned for completion in 2013. The bikeway project is recommended in the City’s Bicycle Master Plan (BMP). The BMP calls for the installation of bikeways throughout Oakland to encourage bicycling as a healthy, non-polluting and affordable transportation option, helping Oakland to realize its sustainability and livability goals.