Help Bring Complete Streets to Your Neighborhood

Author: Bike East Bay

We succeeded in getting a strong Complete Streets requirement included in the next 4 years of regional transportation monies, and in securing an even stronger focus on bike/ped improvements around BART stations. But we need your help to get each local city to adopt its own Complete Streets Policy by January 31, 2013 and to urge your city to prioritze bike/ped projects as part of this next 4-year cycle of funding.

What you can do:

Attend an upcoming meeting of your local Bicycle Advisory Committee and help provide input on what bike improvements you want to see in the areas identified in this Map of Priority Development Areas in the East Bay.

These areas will receive over $100 million in transportation dollars in the next 4 years and all this money is required to be spent according to your City’s Complete Streets Policy, but we first need to get your City to adopt such a policy. We have until January 31, 2012 to do so. Please get involved. There has never been a time we need your help more!

If your city is not listed here, please contact Dave Campbell, EBBC Program Director and help us form a Bicycle Advisory Committee in your City.


Soon every roadway project will be a multi-modal project and not just a car project. When the streets you ride on are repaved, a bike lane will be striped, crosswalks upgraded, traffic speeding issues addressed, and transit improvements incorporated from the start. And before even designing these multi-modal improvements, transportation professionals will be required to sit down with community stakeholders and ask what improvements to the streets people would like to see, what problems they are experiencing, what goals should be set to increase the number of people walking and using a bike. They will also consider how proposed projects meet the City’s goals for better roadways and better communities. The result will be streets that look more like Photo A and less like Photo B. And the day is coming sooner rather than later thanks to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission approving a new Complete Streets Policy on May 17, which will govern future transportation projects in the Bay Area.

The blue & grey areas on this Priority Development Area Map are going to receive 70% of regional transportation funds over the next 4 years as part of the One Bay Area Grant Program. All projects in these colored areas will be complete streets projects, but we also want to see all planned bike projects in adopted bike plans included in this funding.