Greetings from your new EBBC Outreach Coordinator

Author: Bike East Bay

Carrie & her trusty steed

Hello! I’m Carrie Harvilla, your new EBBC Outreach Coordinator. I’ll be leading the charge to bring new members to the EBBC, as well as organizing volunteer activities. You will be hearing a lot from me about upcoming events and ways to get involved in advocacy efforts and outreach activities. I’ll also keep you posted about all the good stuff that’s happening for bicyclists throughout the East Bay.

Bicycling has been a part of my life since I was a kid, but during the time I spent living and riding in Davis, California, I became dedicated to bicycling for everyday use. I have worked on a number of sustainable community development projects in the Bay Area over the past few years, such as helping to design the East Bay Greenway, and throughout that time I have been an advocate for bicycling. As an Oakland resident, I am thrilled to join the EBBC staff and work with our thousands of members to help make biking in the East Bay safer, easier… and more fun.

As the EBBC Outreach Coordinator, I welcome your ideas – Have a favorite business you think we should partner with for member discounts? Know of an event that would be good for spreading the word about EBBC membership? Have a few hours to volunteer on one of our projects that excite you? Please feel free to call me at 510-533-RIDE or email me at carrie (dot) harvilla (at) ebbc (dot) org. I’m looking forward to meeting all of the EBBC members in the coming months; please stop by the office and say hi, or come to one of our next volunteer activities– I hope to see you soon!