Update February 2021: Read a letter straight from the Troop on their bike advocacy and what they learned along the way. 

Girl Scout Troop 33984 is on a mission to fix bumpy bike boulevards in Berkeley. Troop member Zella first brought it to the group. “I don’t like riding on bumpy streets, it’s just not as fun,” says Zella. While #TheSmoothening has brought some fantastic smooth lanes to the East Bay (we see you Milvia Street!), there is more work to do and the Girl Scouts are ready to advocate. Help the Troop convince City Council to repave bike boulevards: fill out their short survey today

The Troop is working to get bike boulevards repaved in Berkeley to earn their Bronze Award. The Bronze Award is “the third highest award in Girl Scouting,” says Troop member Annabelle, plus “it helps the community,” adds Annika. 

Like all great bike advocacy projects, teamwork is key. After Zella brought the idea to the Troop and everyone voted, Troop members Nina, Annabelle, and Eliana reached out to advocates at Bike East Bay and Walk Bike Berkeley for partnership and advice. Troop members have been taking pictures, sourcing personal stories, and making a survey to better understand the needs of the community when it comes to bike boulevards. As Siena says, “having to accomplish something with the whole troop…it’s really fun and I’m really glad I got to do it.” Eliana is most looking forward to helping the community with this project. And that’s exactly what the survey is about. As Zella puts it, folks should fill out the survey “to make sure what we are doing is helpful” to the community. Getting community feedback is crucial, and we’re excited to support Troop 33984 on their quest.

Do you have feedback, experiences, or thoughts on bike boulevards in Berkeley? Fill out the Troop’s short survey today.

Photos above: Annika and Eliana take notes on street conditions (left), Zella fixes up her bike (right).