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Get Involved with Momentum Magazine!

Author: bcomadmin

Date: October 19, 2009

Momentum – the magazine for self-propelled people – is always on the lookout for writers and photographers for stories relating to all aspects of everyday cycling and self-propelled living. We have a modest editorial budget and are able to pay small honoraria. To submit a story, or to be added to our editorial email list, please contact the Bay Area Editor Deb Greco: bayarea(AT)

Come join us…

Bask in our friendly and welcoming approach.

Adopt a story that needs a writer.

Enjoy long lead times, and friendly editors available for questions. (Supervision is minimal, but deadlines are sacrosanct.)

Get busy! Uncover previously unknown or hidden facts and opinions; do deep research, and bring it back. The public has a right to know!

And then…

Expect honest appraisals and editing (at times ruthless) of your work.

See your beautiful paragraphs reduced to two terse sentences (well, not always, but it does happen once in a while).

Propose your own story ideas!

Meet many interesting, creative, and friendly people!

Have fun!

Make a difference!

Earn tiny amounts of money!

And finally, over time:

Admire your published work in North America’s coolest magazine.

Gain your own momentum, and ride off happily into the sunset, tra la.

PS: possession of a well-ridden bike is pretty much a requirement.

Downloadable submission guidelines: