Family Bicycling Resources

Biking together as a family can be fun and rewarding, with additional benefits for children such as increased mental stimulation, improved physical health, and an enhanced sense of place.
Family Cycling Panel Series
This video series was made possible with funding from Spare the Air Youth, and featured a panel of amazing, East Bay parents. Each virtual event addressed a different topic around biking with kids.
Panel #1: Biking with Kids on Board
Panel #2: Teaching Kids and Learning to Ride
Free Family Cycling Workshops

Bike East Bay brings family biking fun to your neighborhood! At these on-the-bike, outdoor events, our certified instructors lead games and activities for parents and children to participate in together, to improve handling and balance skills while addressing questions about safety, equipment and local biking resources. Every session ends with a prize for each child!
Click here to access our current class schedule or to request a workshop for your school, organization, or community center.
Family Biking Guide
SFBC, our partners across the bay in San Francisco, offer a how-to manual for all stages of family biking called the Family Biking Guide. This comprehensive, digital booklet is available to download for free in English, Spanish and Chinese versions, and covers topics on biking while pregnant all the way through biking your child to school. Click here for more info.
What to look for in a bike trailer or child seat
Washington’s Cascade Bicycle Club provides details on the benefits of using a bike trailer or child seat, and what features to look for when shopping for one. Click here for more info.
Safe Routes to School/Bike to School Day
Safe Routes to School programs in Alameda County and Contra Costa County provide services which help make biking and walking to school safer and more enjoyable to students and parents alike. Get involved with your school’s program to start a “bike train” group commute, participate in contests to encourage active transportation, and help coordinate safer bike facilities and more bike parking around your child’s school.
Bike East Bay, Cycles of Change and Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools also coordinate Bike to School days each spring throughout Alameda and Contra Costa counties.

The BikeMobile is a free, mobile bike repair service that is available for events in both Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. To see their full schedule or request a BikeMobile visit for your community event, go to Free fix-a-flat or other basic bike maintenance workshops can also be provided on site to youth and adults.

Spokes Family Bike Collective
The Family Bike Collective is dedicated to getting children on bikes that match their sizes, personalities and lifestyles. Learn more on their website, in person at the Spokeshop Bike Lounge in Berkeley, and at their monthly bike demos, family bike rides, and workshops.

Chasqui Mom Blog: Biking to School
- Biking with Multiple Children
- Street vs. Sidewalk Riding
- Route Planning
- Equipment to Bring
Read other Chasqui Mom posts for more info about family-friendly bike and hiking trips in the Bay Area, and how to get around with kids car-free.