Urban Design Workshop
Two projects that Oakland’s Major Projects Division is working on are:
- Broadway Streetscape Improvements: www.oaklandca.gov/broadway
- Martin Luther King Jr. Way Streetscape Improvements: www.oaklandca.gov/mlk
Along with delivering major capital infrastructure improvements for these two projects, the project team is exploring urban design features to add along the corridors. How can we make these corridors great public spaces? What will make these corridors comfortable and inviting? What types of urban design features express the characteristics of the neighborhoods along the corridors? We want to explore these questions with you for the Broadway Streetscape Improvements and for the Martin Luther King Jr. Way Streetscape Improvements.
City staff invites you to attend an interactive workshop to provide input on what you’d like to see in terms of the look and feel of the corridors as well as the style of site furnishings (trash cans, benches, etc.). Your input is valuable in shaping how people experience these public spaces when they’re walking, biking, rolling, or driving.
Please register in advance.
For questions, contact mpd@oaklandca.gov