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Epic Designs for Central Ave. Head to Council

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: April 13, 2021

It’s been a long journey, but Alameda’s next signature streetscape project—a multi million dollar remake of Central Avenue—goes to City Council April 20 for final concept approval, and we hope you like it as much as we do. Upgrades include a two-way cycle track, higher visibility crosswalks and shorter distances to cross, and more. Central Avenue is a crucial connection, serving thousands of students at 10 schools along the corridor. Voice your support for these final designs, write to your Alameda City Councilmember today

With this project, you can bike almost all the way around the island city on a low-stress bikeway, and Bike Walk Alameda is busy trying to fill in the remaining two gaps. Included in the upgrades are a two-way cycle track on the south side of Central Avenue from Main Street to Eighth Street, and bike lanes between Eighth Street and Encinal Avenue. In addition, three roundabouts are designed at Sherman Street, Fourth Street, and Encinal Avenue. More importantly, the over 4,000 students attending 10 schools in the vicinity of the project can bike and walk more safely to school. If you bike in Alameda, please contact Alameda City Council in support.

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