EBBC Minutes – 7/15/08 – Draft

Author: bcomadmin

East Bay Bicycle Coalition

7/15/08 Board Meeting – Draft Minutes

Board members present: Ole Ohlson, Tom Ayres, Steve Ardrey, Craig Hagelin, Dave Favello (chair of meeting), Leo Dubose, Dave Campbell, Mary Norton

Also: Mike J, Ricardo, Pat R, Ian, Robert

Bike Parking for Walnut Creek Art & Wine Festival, Sept 20-21

Are we willing to be unpaid co-sponsors? note that it is put on by a non-profit association; they will provide barriers, we just need to provide volunteers; we would be listed as a co-sponsor; Robert will draft a contract and encourage volunteers (e.g. from WC bike advisory committee); motion to do this: APPROVED

Would we park after dark, given event ends 11 pm on Saturday? we’ll close at an announced sunset time

Reprinting of Bike Safety Quiz

We’re out of the English version. Discussion of considering some changes: e.g. add a question about using cell phone? something about use of bike lights?

Motion to reprint 5,000 in English (enough for a year – after which we will consider revising the quiz in all languages). APPROVED

Revise/Reprint EBBC brochure

We are out. There are some minor changes needed (e.g. Fruitvale office address, correct phone number). Input on any major changes, please provide by July 25. Motion to print 2,000-5,000 with the minor changes (and leave major rewrite for a later time): APPROVED

City Car Share

We have been asked to engage in a co-promotion agreement – they would give EBBC members $30 discount for joining them, and would promote us. Suggestion is that people who join CCS who are not EBBC members would have option to get free one-year EBBC membership (and CCS would send us the corresponding membership payment). Would also like CCS to make a contribution to Bike to Work Day. Motion to authorize Dave C and Robert to negotiate with CCS: APPROVED.

Report on July 4 bike parking

15 new members at each event, with corresponding payments, and the money received for contracted bike parking. We parked over 200 bikes at the Berkeley Marina; not many at Jack London event. Robert turned down 3 requests for bike parking just in this past week (none paid) – which shows growing appreciation of the value of having bike parking at public events.

East Bay Bicycle Coalition

7/15/08 General Meeting – Draft Minutes

Chair: Dave Campbell

Minutes from June meeting


Alameda County Bike Event Ordinance

There will be a hearing on July 24 (announced too late for our current newsletter). This proposed ordinance would be an enormous burden for organized rides in Alameda County; large rides would have requirements for notification, fees (for permits), etc.; even rides under the proposed threshold of 50 would need to provide notice a month in advance and show proof of insurance.

Hearing on 24th is 1:30 pm – information at our website.

Motion to oppose the ordinance: APPROVED

Transportation 2035 – Report on MTC Planning Meeting

Plan to fully build out the Regional Bicycle Plan, including bridges, would be $2 billion. MTC has tentatively approved funding of $1 billion for building out the RBN excluding the bridges. Also, funding for Safe Routes to School, Safe Routes to Transit, also approved through the climate action portion – 5 years of funding at $10 million per year. There is opposition from some seeking more funding for pedestrian interests, with intent to revise the proposed plan to shift some of the bike-tagged funding to pedestrian projects instead.

Suggestions for rejoinders: that Routine Accommodation helps all users, including pedestrians and cyclists; that our bike projects are multi-modal, multi-use paths; that cyclists and peds are over-represented in injuries, so funding is needed for both; that we support funding for pedestrian projects (like the Safe Routes projects), but not in competition with funding for cyclist needs; finding strategies that don’t put cyclist and pedestrian interests in a fight for a fixed pot of funds

Pleasant Hill BART Shortcut path

The project would allow a ped/bike shortcut to the BART station. Some opposition has been expressed by residents, as noted in a newspaper article, but there is considerable support for the project. Funding will come in part from Safe Routes to Transit.

Climate Action Plans to meet AB32

These plans are coming up for review. Robert is going to take part in an Alameda County workshop with Loni Hancock and Don Perata about how to implement AB32. The plan talks about making cars more efficient, not about mode shift or reduced vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Setting a target for reduced VMT would provide direction for efforts to improve the climate and air quality; promotion of cycling, transit, and other alternatives to cars would be beneficial to the residents of the Bay Area.

Program: Short Streetfilms by Clarence Eckerson Jr.

Next general meeting: August 19, 7:30 pm, returning to Rockridge Branch Library, Oakland