EBBC 5/20/08 Minutes

Author: Bike East Bay

EBBC Board Meeting – 5/20/08 – Draft Minutes

Board members present: Dave F (presiding), Ricardo, Craig, Bill, Tom, Robert, Dave C., Ole, Mary, Eric

Treasury report

– Rick doesn’t have information from Bike to Work Day yet.

– An independent audit of EBBC (for Safe Routes to School) gave us a clean bill of health.


– Rick advises us to wait before making payments for Bike to Work Day bills, to make sure we have received enough to make the payments.

– Motion to send $1,250 as part of our commitment to the 4th Bore Coalition – APPROVED

Fremont Freewheelers Ride Leader Training Program

– The Major Taylor Bicycle Club has remaining funds, some of which they wish to use to support a ride leader training program, to be loosely based on Street Skills. EBBC would merely receive the funds and pass them through to the Fremont Freewheelers for this. Proposal play this role: APPROVED

Valet Bike Parking contracts

– Temescal June 7, $250, will need volunteers

– Berkeley Marina, July 4 (fireworks), $400, will need lots of volunteers at the end when everyone leaves at once

– Oakland Jack London Square (fireworks), $350, hopefully will hire a supervisor, also will need many volunteers at the end

Review of Contra Costa County Bike and Pedestrian Plan – Issues and Options Report

– Ole, Dave F, and Robert will meet on May 28th to discuss in advance of the meeting with staff on the 29th.

REI grant application – May 22 deadline – Robert is working on this.

EBBC strategy on high speed rail

– TALC is urging its member groups to weigh in.

– Eric drafted a response – basically to favor the concept of high-speed rail in California, but to point out that there are problems with the Pacheco Pass route and that that route would not offer any benefit to the East Bay.

– Proposal to adopt Eric’s draft as the EBBC platform on this matter: APPROVED

EBBC General Meeting – 5/20/08 – Minutes

(approved at 6/17/08 meeting, as amended)

Measure AA (East Bay Regional Park District)

– Polls suggest that this $500 bond measure for the November ballot is likely to pass.

– EBBC board members have been present at a series of meetings around the East Bay, urging the San Leandro Greenway project (for economic and social justice), the Bay Trail connection at Point San Pablo, and other matters of interest to cyclists.

– EBBC has not yet developed a stance on single-track access, but discussion suggests we will support single-track access where appropriate (based on considerations such as erosion and sight lines).

ACTIA and Active Transportation

– ACTIA is seeking to have Alameda County be one of the 50 communities/areas that receives a sizable grant (perhaps $50 million) in federal funds from the 2010 Saftea reauthorization. ACTIA would devote the funds to walking/biking to school, commuting by walking/biking to transit, and community access.

– Proposal to support ACTIA’s efforts: APPROVED

Alameda County Bicycle Event Ordinance

– The Mt. Hamilton Challenge was held successfully without obtaining a permit from the Sheriff’s Dept.

– It appears that additional changes are being made in the proposed and long-debated ordinance, and that it is likely to emerge again in the near future. EBBC will watch closely.

Pedal Power

– Bill, Dave C, and Robert attended the annual CBC legislative lobbying event in Sacramento.

– Mark Leno gave an inspiring address on budget issues and the bill he is sponsoring (Complete Streets). Mark Desaulnier talked about his bill, Fair Share for Safety.

Bike to Work Day reports

– It was estimated that there were 100,000 people on bikes in the Bay Area on our Bike to Work Day, May 15, 2008. This represents a notable increase over recent years, and shows the potential for a serious mode shift.

Measure DD in Oakland

– Rick is glad to report that projects funded by Measure DD are getting built. There will be grand openings for several Bay Trail gateways/segments in the next few weeks (see our calendar).

– Lake Shore Ave., from 18th St. to Embarcadero, will be reconfigured; it was sent out to bid, and 5 bids were received. It is likely that Option B will be recommended rather than Option A; Option B has lower cost and a somewhat wider bike lane that A, although at the cost of some loss of parkland.

Minutes by Tom Ayres

Next general meeting: June 17, 7:30 pm, Rock Paper Scissors Collective, 2278 Telegraph Ave., Oakland