East Bay Fares Poorly in Round 4 of Active Transportation Program

Author: Bike East Bay

The Active Transportation Program (ATP) was created in 2013, as a means to consolidate and aggregate a diverse number of funding sources promoting active transportation into one program. The ATP is the single largest pot of money available to cities and counties fully dedicated to bike and pedestrian projects. 

In past funding cycles, the East Bay as a whole has done well in the Active Transportation Program. However, this year not every city did and we are frustrated to report that in the latest funding cycle Contra Costa County got completely shut out.

This repeats the result of the state round announced at the end of last year where most funding went to Southern California projects. We protested the results to Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). Unfortunately we succeeded only in getting agreement that the scoring process is poorly designed and needs fixing, which we will work with MTC to do moving into the next funding cycle in 2020.

East Bay Projects funded in Round 4:

  1. Active and Safe Oakland: $999,000

  2. Alameda County School Travels Opportunity  Options: $3,761,000

  3. Online Greenway Trail Safety Improvements: $410,000

Full list of Awarded Projects