Drafts Released of Concord’s Bike and Ped Master Plan

Author: Bike East Bay

The city has released the first draft of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to Transit Plan. 

This is the city’s first Bicycle Master Plan. The last couple of years have seen a sea of change take place in Concord, with many great new steps forward to making the city a better place for bicyclists. Unfortunately the plan set a major constraint for itself; that not a single car lane removal or parking lane removal can be considered as part of the plan. As such, much of what the plans recommends is limited. 

We still have hope that this plan will provide an appropriate set of guidelines to continue pushing the city forward. Many of you responded to the survey, and every single comment is included in the Appendix. These comments highlight the need for an ambitious network of safe, continuous bikeways throughout the city of Concord. 

Bike East Bay will work with our HEAL Zone partners and Bike Concord to make sure the plan adequately incorporates the feedback provided into the recommendations and sets Concord on a course towards a more bike-friendly future. 

Upcoming meeting and opportunities to provide feedback: 

5/5, 5:30pm –  Community workshop – Senior Center

5/10, 6:30pm –  City Council Study session 

5/11, 7pm –  Parks and Rec study session

5/12, Bike to Work Day with post-work event at Todos Santos hosted by Bike Concord

5/18, 6:30pm – Planning Commission