Dana Street 2-Way Demonstration Bikeway

Author: Bike East Bay

In 2016, Bike East Bay is applying for grant funding to conduct our most ambitious demonstration bikeway–a 2-way cycle track on Dana St in the southside area on four blocks of Dana between Bancroft Way and Dwight Way. City Council has green-lighted moving forward on building a 2-way bikeway on Dana St, but it has been difficult for city staff to work on the project given all their priorities. Enter Bike East Bay.

Working closely with UC Berkeley Department of Physical & Environmental Planning, Bike East Bay is designing, building, operating, and studying the effectiveness of a 2-way cycle track on Dana St. We are also working with BicyCal and the Berkeley High School Green Team, as well as the ASUC on Campus. It will take a lot of work. We anticipate conducting the pilot demonstration bikeway in the 2nd half of 2016, probably in the Fall when the students return to school. If successful, the City can make the demonstration bikeway permanent soon after the demo.

Here is what we have in mind for the demo:

A 2-way cycle track will be designed on the west side of Dana Street, along the curb with a three foot buffer between it and traffic. There would be one lane of travel for cars and buses, and parking on the east side of the street is retained, which means that existing parking on the west side of the street moved to the east side of the street. This creates a net gain in on-street parking–a rare time when new bike lanes add to street parking.

People entering and exiting the cycle track at Bancroft Way will see markings in the intersection to direct them. At Durant St, there is no cross traffic from Dana St, only cars moving east from Durant, which creates no changes to the current intersection. At Channing Way, a 4-way stop controls all movements, which can safely be made with the addition of the cycle track. 

At Haste St, special consideration has to be given to right turning traffic from Dana St on to Haste St. Here, special signage is needed to alert drivers to 2-way bicycle traffic. Green paint on the bike crossings will help highlight bike traffic.

At Dwight Way, all car traffic turns east on to Dwight Way from Dana St. Since the 2-way cycle track is on the west side of Dana St, no conflicting movements are introduced–the cycle track can function just fine with current traffic light operations.

Other Dana St Bikeway Design Options

  • Counterflow Parking-Protected Bike Lane
  • 2-way Cycle track on the East Side

If you live in the southside area, know a friend who does, and want to volunteer to help make our demonstration bikeway happen, please email our Advocacy Director, Dave Campbell. You be on the list to help once funding is secured.

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