Cross Alameda Trail Gains Funding, Moves Forward

Author: Bike East Bay

Bike Walk Alameda is happy to report about new developments and improvements to the design of the Cross Alameda Trail (CAT).

The CAT is a future trail across north Alameda from Alameda Point to the Miller-Sweeney Bridge. It was originally envisioned in 2004 with a grant from the Rails To Trails program. A vision for the project area was created that you can see

As time passed, we’ve changed our ideas of what constitutes good biking infrastructure.  BWA supports roadways and paths that create connections for people from 8 to 80 years old – safe and attractive and, wherever possible, separating modes.

The map here ( shows the length of the CAT.  We’ve divided it into 6 sections.

All sections except the last one (purple) have funding allocated for design and/or construction.

Proposed Cross Alameda Trail Section 1

The Cross Alameda Trail section 1 is moving forward.  The picture shows the cross section that consultants will begin working with for Main Street to Webster Street. Look for more community meetings in the next few months as the consultants work on the full design.

Cross Alameda Trail – Section 2 

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission awarded Alameda $2.2 million for the construction of the Cross Alameda Trail through the Jean Sweeney Open Space.  This includes the one block long section on Atlantic between Constitution and Webster in front of the Starbuck’s. And it will connect to the Cross Alameda Trail currently in design from Main Street to Webster (section 1) and behind the Del Monte Property (section 3).  The grant also includes a non-infrastructure component of bicycle safety classes for trail users and students in the four adjacent schools. For an image of all six sections of the Cross Alameda Trail and their status’ see this link-Cross Alameda Trail Map