COVID-19: April 29 Public Health Order

Author: Bike East Bay

The latest Bay Area public health order released on April 29 requires people shelter-in-place through May 31, 2020. Travel is still limited to essential businesses and activities, and continues to allow for walking, bicycling, jogging, and other essential outdoor activities.

So then, what’s new? Additional outdoor recreational activities are now allowed if the activity does not require shared equipment and can be done while maintaining at least six-feet of social distance. Examples given include skate parks, pump tracks, some athletic fields, tennis, and golf (see list below).

Masks are still required when you are in various public places, including on public transit. Masks are not required while bicycling, but are recommended. Additionally, if you are riding a bike, you must carry a face covering to be used in case it’s needed when encountering other people.

From the Office of the Governor, activities listed below are now allowed as long as you maintain a safe physical distance of six feet and gather only with members of your household. Each facility may have prohibitions from local agencies that control the facilities, so check all signage before you play. 

  • Athletics
  • Badminton (singles)
  • Throwing a baseball or softball
  • BMX biking
  • Canoeing (singles)
  • Crabbing
  • Cycling
  • Exploring rock pools
  • Gardening (not in groups)
  • Golf (singles, walking – no cart)
  • Hiking (on trails and paths allowing distancing)
  • Horseback riding (singles)
  • Jogging and running
  • Kite boarding and kitesurfing
  • Meditation
  • Outdoor photography
  • Picnics (with your stay-home household members only)
  • Quad Biking
  • Rock Climbing
  • Roller Skating and Roller Blading
  • Rowing (singles)
  • Scootering (not in groups)
  • Skateboarding (not in groups)
  • Soft martial arts – Tai Chi, Chi Kung (not in groups)
  • Table tennis (singles)
  • Throw and catch an American mini football, Frisbee or Frisbee golf (not in groups)
  • Trail running
  • Trampolining
  • Tree climbing
  • Volleyball (singles)
  • Walk the dog
  • Wash the car
  • Watch the sunrise or sunset
  • Yoga

For more COVID-19 resources, and how the shelter in place order impacts biking and Bike East Bay events, visit: