Contra Costa ready to award $20 million for key bikeways

Author: bcomadmin

Get ready for new bikeway projects in just about every city in Contra Costa County. The bicycle and pedestrian program of Contra Costa’s transportation sales tax measure is awarding its first round of funding to many great bikeway projects that will close key gaps in our regional bikeway network:

  • Richmond: Nevin Avenue is being improved with a new BART station entrance area on the east side of the station, as well as streetscape improvements for bikes on the west side toward downtown;
  • El Cerrito: full funding is now in place to complete the connection between the Ohlone Greenway in El Cerrito with the Richmond Greenway, across San Pablo Avenue. Once completed, these two combined pathways will form the 2nd longest urban pathway in the East Bay, right after the Iron Horse Trail;
  • Hercules: the East Bay Regional Parks District is moving forward with completing the Bay Trail past the Bio Rad facility, to close the gap between Rodeo and the proposed Hercules Transit Station;
  • Pleasant Hill: a much needed improved intersection of the Oak Park Blvd/Patterson Blvd Intersection will provide safer, continuous bike access along the Oak Park bikeway;
  • Lafayette-Walnut Creek: these cities will study a preferred alignment for a pedestrian/bicycle connection between Lafayette and Walnut Creek along Olympic Boulevard;
  • Alamo: bike lanes will be added to Stone Valley Road
  • Martinez-Crockett: to match funding from the TIGER II grants that EBBC helped secure, the Carquiez Scenic Drive Bikeway is set to fix the washed out sections of one of the East Bay’s most beautiful bikeways.
  • East Bay Regional Parks District: $500,000/year to repave pathways

Full list of projects to be funded Note that the dollar amounts in Central County are still being finalized, but the project recommendations are set. Fall 2011 Call for Projects Over the next 4 years, $21.6 million is available to fund bike & ped projects in Contra Costa and your city will be applying for this money by the deadline of November 14, 2011. Now is your opportunity to contact your local bike/ped planner and weigh in on your priorities for bikeway improvements on the streets you ride everyday. The funds come from Measure J, the 1/2 cent transportation sales tax you pay every time you buy something. Eligible projects include bike and ped improvements, bike/ped access to transit, and projects that promote mixed-use developments where people walk and bike. Measure J is the largest source of funding for bike/ped projects, which makes your input on priority projects so important. For a great list of projects eligible for funding, take a look at the Contra Costa Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (Appendix E) What you an do: Contact your local City bike/ped planner and request a Measure J bike lane project for the street you commute on the most.

Richmond: Chad Smalley and Joel Camacho
El Cerrito: Melanie Mintz
San Pablo: Adele Ho
Concord: Daniel Sequeira and Ray Kuzbari
Pittsburg: Paul Reinders and Keith Halvorson
Walnut Creek: Jeremy Lochirco
Pleasant Hill: Eric Hu
Martinez: Tim Tucker
Contra Costa County: Steve Goetz
San Ramon: Darlene Amaral
Danville: Nat Rojanasathira
Lafayette: Leah Greenblat
Contra Costa Transportation Authority: Brad Beck
East Bay Regional Parks District: Jim Townsend
Orinda: Monica Pacheco
Antioch: Julie Haas-Wajdowicz and Ron Bernal
Brentwood: Steve Kersevan

    Your city not listed here? Please contact EBBC’s Program Director Dave Campbell to find out how you can help. Official Call for Projects To Potential Applicants: The Authority is pleased to announce the call for projects for the Measure J Transportation for Livable Communities (CC-TLC) and Pedestrian, Bicycle and Trail Facilities (PBTF) programs. The CC-TLC programs will fund plans and projects that support transit-oriented or mixed-use development and affordable housing or that encourage walking, bicycling or transit use. The PBTF funds covered in this call for projects must be used to complete projects in the Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The full call for projects describes the programs, including what projects and plans are eligible, in greater detail. Applications for CC-TLC funding will be reviewed by the Regional Transportation Planning Committees where the project is located. Each RTPC will recommend which of those projects should be funded consistent with the adopted CC-TLC guidelines. Applications for PBTF funding, which is a countywide program, will be reviewed by the Authority’s Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. You can find the full call for projects, including deadlines, amounts of funding available, schedule and other requirements, and the application forms for both programs on the Authority’s website at this address: Call for Projects Please forward this notice any other appropriate staff within your agency. If you have any questions about the two programs, feel free to contact me either by email or by phone. BRAD BECK Senior Transportation Planner Contra Costa Transportation Authority 2999 Oak Road, Suite 100 Walnut Creek CA 94597 925 256 4726