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Complete the Bay Bridge People Path

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: May 1, 2017

After decades of advocacy, the Bay Bridge People Path opened today for seven-days-a-week access to Yerba Buena Island. Now we need your help to complete the path all the way to San Francisco.

Lawmakers in Sacramento are discussing whether to fund the West Span Pathway as we speak. You can help complete the path by emailing your state representative today. See the links below to find your representative. Please cc or forward the response you receive to our advocacy team at

Write Your State Representative

Dear _______,

I am writing to ask that you support the authorization of Regional Measure 3 (RM 3) and to ensure it includes full funding for the construction of the bicycle, pedestrian, and maintenance path on the West Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

Planners currently estimate that 10,000 people would use the completed, 4.5-mile path to cross the Bay every single day. This has real potential to reduce auto congestion on the Bay Bridge, relieve crowding on BART, and lower carbon emissions, while increasing the health of residents by providing a healthy, active commute option.

RM3 has the potential to bring in billions of dollars for walking, biking, and transit-friendly projects in the Bay Area. The current bill, SB 595, will give authority to allow a special election to increase bridge tolls that are under the jurisdiction of Bay Area Toll Authority and bring in much-needed revenue for our transportation infrastructure.

Please authorize RM3 to be included on the ballot in 2018 and make sure it includes full funding for completing the bicycle and pedestrian path between Oakland and San Francisco.


[Your name and address]


Email Your Representative (find your rep)

State Senator Nancy Skinner, District 9:

State Senator Bob Wieckowski, District 10:

Assemblymember Jim Frazier, District 11:

Assemblymember Rob Bonta, District 18:

Assemblymember Tony Thurmond, District 15:

Assemblymember Tim Grayson, District 14:

Assemblymember Bill Quirk, District 20:


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