Complete Streets on San Pablo from Rodeo to Crockett

Author: Bike East Bay

A new section of the Bay Trail is being considered to provide a better connection between Rodeo and Crockett. Your input is needed to decide which is better: one 10′, two-way path with a 3′ foot physical buffer, or two unprotected 6′ bike lanes on either side of the road? 

Weigh in via this survey to provide feedback on your preferences for the route.

With heavy truck traffic and steep sections, the study area presents a number of challenges and opportunities. Once completed, however, it will be a much more inviting bike route with view points, continuous bike lanes, and better design at risky intersetions. The county is soliciting feedback on specific opportunities and challenges via a collaborative map: add your feedback here

The genesis of this project goes back to the mid-90’s when the Bay Trail alignment through this segment was moved from the waterfront to the roadway alignment – mostly because the refinery did not want the Bay Trail behind their walls, says Project Lead Angela Villar, Associate Civil Engineer â€‹Transportation with Contra Costa County.

“With the County’s adoption of complete streets policy in 2008, our Department has been more focused on development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities on our roadways,” wrote Villar. “Usually, we are looking at acquiring significant right-of-way and widening to construct new facilities, but this segment of San Pablo Avenue has low traffic volumes that offers a great opportunity to reallocate the roadway space at relatively lower cost. I think this project is a great idea and was fortunate to secure a planning grant to do the study last year.”


The county has hired planning firm ARUP to assist with the traffic study and design. The goal of the planning study is to identify a set of improvements for this segment and establish the cost. The county plans on having a final feasibility report and 60% design development done by July 2016. Once those reports and designs are complete, the county will begin to explore funding opportunities.

Would you like to help put on a bike tour of the study section? Contact


Project Description on Contra Costa County Website

Community Meeting #1 Presentation 

Project Fact Sheet/Previous Meeting Flyer