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Complete Streets on Detroit Ave

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: January 21, 2015

Detroit Avenue in Concord is poised to become the city’s first buffered bike lane, with green paint in conflict zones. We’re excited to have been a part of this forward-looking project that put such a heavy emphasis on community engagement. 

Table of Contents

2nd Community Meeting

At the city’s January 20 community meeting, held at the Meadow Homes Elementary School, project consultants Diablo Engineering Group unveiled the second round of designs for Detroit Avenue. 

A lot of things had changed since round 1. Namely, 95% of the traffic lanes were now 10′ wide, as suggested in our comment letter. The bike lanes were outfitted at times with double sided buffers to protect from door zones, as well as green paint in conflict zones and through intersections. 

The plans include additional lighting, improved sidewalks, high visibility crosswalks, and other positive elements of complete streets that will work together to make Detroit Ave a walkable, bikeable street. 

Bike Concord is looking forward to see this project continue smoothly and to be an example of a good bike lane in Concord. Detroit Avenue will be a great venue to see the impact of complete streets on a local neighborhood. 

Future CIP improvement recommendations could include physical buffers on the bike lanes, a removal of the center turn lane and additional lighting. 

1st Community Meeting

The city held an initial public meeting in November 2014 to display a first round of designs based on studies and walk throughs. 

Bike Concord representatives attended and determined that the city was doing a good job of adding bike lanes throughout the corridor – but that there was an opportunity to do more, and to create family-friendly bicycle infrastructure.

Bike East Bay submitted a comment letter based on the initial drawings for Detroit Ave, as seen at the November Community Workshop. Our recommendations followed three main points: 

  • Narrower traffic lanes
  • Better bike lanes
  • Safer crossings for Pedestrians

Read the full letter here. 


July 2013: Grant Awarded

September 2013: Project Approved by MTC

September 2014: Consultants chosen

November 2014: First Community Meeting

January 2015: Second Community Meeting

End of January 2015: EIR complete

January – March 2015: Design Finalized

Summer 2015: Groundbreaking

End of 2015: Project Completed

About the Project

The Detroit Avenue Complete Streets project is funded through a $2.2 million One Bay Area Grant from the MTC, and matched with local Measure J funds. 

​Click here (PDF) to see the city’s original application for the Detroit Ave Complete Streets project.

Why Detroit Ave is important

The Monument Corridor is one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in Contra Costa County, and also ranks as one of the most ethnically diverse. In recent years the Corridor has been the focus of intense community organizing. Plans for Detroit Avenue would not have arrived where they are today without intensive support and work from a number of different community groups and especially the involvement of numerous community members. The Contra Costa Regional Group and Monument Impact in particular were instrumental. 

Bike East Bay and Bike Concord became involved in the later phases of the project – as community engagement around the final design began. 

One of the key issues that has been the focus of these organizing efforts is the lack of transportation services that truly meet the community’s needs. Since close to eighteen percent of the households in the neighborhood do not have access to a car, in a County which is largely automobile oriented, creating alternative transportation options is critical to the full utilization of vital community services.

Detroit Avenue, as a connector for the Monument Corridor community, could have a positive impact on local students, families, and commuters, if it is redesigned and re-built to better serve their transportation needs.

In the News

Contra Costa Times: Concord: Bike, pedestrian improvements planned for Detroit Avenue. March 11, 2015

Contra Costa Times: Safety improvements in Concord’s Monument Corridor. July 24, 2013 One Bay Area Grants $2.2 Million For Detroit Avenue Safety Improvements. July 12, 2013

Claycord: Detroit Avenue Neighborhood Celebrates $2.2-million Safety Grant Award. July 12, 2013


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