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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

In December, your support helped win better bike lanes on Telegraph – pushing us closer to a connected network of great bike lanes. Now, the Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT) is busy finalizing design details for continuous bike lanes on Telegraph Avenue, including new protected bike lanes in Temescal District. Your input will help make sure this project continues to be a priority.

Give your feedback on the bikeway designs from 29th-42nd streets by filling out this brief survey and attending the Community Workshop this Wednesday.

This high-injury portion of Telegraph from 29th-42nd is the “gap” between approved bike lane segments in the KONO District and the Temescal District. OakDOT wants to hold off until 2021 to construct this gap improvement, while bikeway improvements in KONO and Temescal happen this year. Join us at the Community Workshop on Wednesday and help us remind OakDOT that the public has overwhelmingly asked for protected bike lanes, here and on all busy streets like Telegraph Avenue. 

For additional project information, visit Oakland’s website.

Telegraph Avenue Community Workshop
Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 6-8 PM
Providence House, 540 23rd Street, Oakland

Short survey of bikeway designs 

Help us build a network of connected bike lanes across the East Bay. Become a Bike East Bay member today.

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