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Climate Ride 2016

Author: Bike East Bay

Climate Ride 2016: Team Bike East Bay Biked the North Coast

This May our Bike East Bay team rode from from the Avenue of the Giants to the Golden Gate for a great cause. The California Climate Ride returned to the epic North Coast route, starting in Fortuna on May 22 and rolling into San Francisco on May 26, 2016.

Our Climate Riders put the fun in “Fun”draising! You can help Bike East Bay build hundreds of miles of bikeways that are safe, convenient, and comfortable to ride by signing up for a Climate Ride adventure and choosing Bike East Bay as your beneficiary.

The Climate Ride doesn’t just happen in May on California’s North Coast. There are now a number of Climate Ride events that happen around the country. Go to for more on all their rides. In 2016 there are still four rides left to choose from, in Glacier National Park, the Pacific Northwest, New York City to Washington DC, and Bar Harbor to Boston. You can choose Bike East Bay as a beneficiary on any Climate Ride and have a great adventure while raising funds for your local bicycle advocates.

Give your friends a chance to thank you for stepping up and joining the fight to protect the beautiful world in which we live through bike advocacy! Bike East Bay is a beneficiary of the Climate Ride and is ready to help you raise your $2,800 minimum and perhaps a lot more. If you have questions or concerns about fundraising for the ride, check out our page on fundraising tips.

What’s the Climate Ride?

The California Climate Ride is a five-day adventure that takes you through beautiful scenery during the day, and brings you engaging speakers at night. Topics range from renewable energy and climate science to sustainability and bicycle infrastructure. Riders need only to focus on riding the 50-70 miles per day, while staff takes cares of meals, snacks, bike support, luggage transport and all other logistics. We’ll make sure you are kept happy for a worry-free and memorable ride!

For a great picture of what the California ride is like, day by day, check out this blog post from our board member Rosie Mesterhazy about her experience on the 2016 California Climate Ride.  Or this post from our Executive Director, Renee Rivera from the 2015 ride.

Other Climate Rides around the country are similar in length and number of days, but take you on new and spectacular routes.

Bike East Bay partnered with Climate Ride, the largest environmental cycling event in the county, for the first time in 2011 raising over $10,000 to directly support our bicycle advocacy work. Over the past four years our team has grown and brought in $25,000 in 2015 to support our advocacy work!

Looking for group training rides? Grizzly Peak Cyclists leads a weekly ride series to get people ready for the Grizzly Peak Century, open to anyone who would like to join.

See the stories from previous years: