City’s Community Survey Needs Your Feedback

Author: Bike East Bay

What do you think of Concord’s current public transportation network? What improvements would you like to see along your commute? What would help make any walking trips more pleasant? How can Concord be more bike friendly?

These are some of the questions the city is trying to answer through its community survey. According to the city, the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to Transit plan seeks to “improve access for pedestrians and bicyclists to the City’s BART stations, guide investments in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, improve connections between the regional trails network and downtown, fill in gaps in our existing infrastructure, and improve safe access between schools, jobs, downtown, and other important areas of the city.”

The plan is the fruit of a collaboration between the City of Concord’s Community and Economic Development Department (CED), Contra Costa County Health Services (CCHS) Community Wellness and Prevention Program, and Monument Impact and is led by Concord’s Planning Division.

Fill out the community survey here:

The survey is also available in Spanish:

The survey closes on April 12, 2015. 

For more information, visit