City of Berkeley Bike Subcommittee Notes – March 25, 2010

Author: bcomadmin

Meeting notes

Bicycle Subcommittee

March 25, 2010


Marcy Greenhut (Chair)

Julia Griswold

Janel Sterbenk

Phil Morton

Seth Goddard (Commissioner)

Dave Campbell

Aaron Welch

Eric McCaughrin (Commissioner)

Mei Graybeal

1. Introductions

2. Public Comment (items not on the agenda)

West Street, possibility of turning stop signs? (Aaron). There are neighbor concerns due to recent accident.

King / Ashby – light taking too longer for cross-traffic. As result cyclists are running the light.

3. Announcements

Several advisory committees have openings: Contra Costa County, Alameda County Measure B re-authorization, Alameda County Sustainable Communities Initiative. Opportunity to provide citizen input on transportation matters to established bodies. (Dave Cambell)

Hearst Avenue bike lanes received funding through LRDP (Eric M)

4. Public Input for Bicycle Plan

City applying for grant from Caltrans for bike plan update. What if city does not win the grant? (Dave C)

Prioritize bike traffic on bike boulevards (Seth). Install “except for bikes” signage under stop signs at bike boulevard crossings. Pilot study? Current bike plan envisions traffic circles to deal with this issue.

Sacramento St. has large ROW, perhaps gives opportunity for cycle track. (Seth) Connect to Ohlone trail and N. Berkeley BART station.

Program to subsidize locks and lights for low-income.

Locations where bike lanes stop for 1 or 2 blocks, signage needed. (Seth)

Bike boulevard improvements, priority. (Aaron)

Cut-throughs of speed bumps for cyclists. (Jenelle)

5. Bike to Work Day (Dave Campbell)

Nominations open up for Bike Commuter of the Year. Registration beginning for teams in bike commute competition. “Urban Assault Ride”, on May 2nd (fundraiser for the local bike coalitions). Bike to School Day during May 5-13. Looking for volunteers to staff Energizer Stations. Roadway in front of Fox Theater (Oakland) will be closed off for BTWD activities. May 22nd – Bike to Market (a new event). Get discount at participating merchants. Registration begins April 1st, and funding formula for next year depends on number of registrants.

6. Open Space plan for downtown

Subcommittee meeting to develop ideas for downtown. Among the ideas: pedestrianization of Center St, Milvia bike boulevard improvements, Hearst Ave. bike lanes. Bike lanes on Fulton.

7. Discussion of Meeting Times

8. Adjourned 8:40pm