Progressive Opportunities Conference
Sunday, February 26
David Brower Center, Berkeley

Among progressive planners and entrepreneurs, localism is the new buzzword de rigueur. That’s particularly true in Oakland and Berkeley, where 21st-century self-reliance has emerged as a trendy antidote to the everything-all-the-time mindset of globalization. But are urban farming, buy-local campaigns, and rooftop solar panels more than just fashionable experiments in local control? Do they hold much promise to alleviate the environmental and economic crises facing our planet? A host of Bay Area thinkers and business people think so. They’re gathering in unprecedented numbers at Berkeley’s David Brower Center on Sunday, February 26, to trade ideas on transforming localism’s good name into real change, and politicians including State Senator Loni Hancock and State Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner.

Full story at East Bay Express