Bridge the Bay Fundraiser a huge success

Author: Bike East Bay

EBBC Board Member Fast Freddie Rodriguez and

Executive Director Renee Rivera

Poster for the Event-all info included hereinEBBC Board member Fast Freddie Rodriguez and Executive Director Renee Rivera

This past rainy Thursday night the David Brower Center in Berkeley was filled with elected officials, bike racers, everyday cyclists, recreational riders, transportation consultants and people of all ages, mingling, enjoying good food and drink and competing for great deals on bikes, tours and bike art. Everyone had one thing in common and that is the vision of a Bay Bridge with a world-class bikeway the length of the bridge, connecting our East Bay communities with jobs and destinations in San Francisco.

The East Bay Bicycle Coalition would like to send out a great big bike-friendly Thank You to all who came out to our February 24th Bridge the Bay Fundraiser to build support for a continuous path on the Bay Bridge connecting Oakland and San Francisco.

The David Brower Center was thronged with decision-makers from across the East Bay including Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates, El Cerrito Mayor Ann Cheng and Union City Mayor Mark Green, as well as our members and partners from Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition, Bike Alameda, Albany Strollers and Rollers, Richmond BPAC, Grizzly Peak Cyclists and many more. Dozens of energetic volunteers made the evening roll smoothly and a great time was had by all. The money raised on Thursday night will go to support the East Bay Bicycle Coalition’s advocacy work to make a bikeway across the Bay Bridge a reality. With so many supporters coming out for this fundraiser we feel more hopeful than ever that we will all be riding together over the Bay Bridge in the not so distant future.

live bike auctionmichael Kahnhappy supporters enjoying great food from the Bread Workshop/></p>
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The Bicycle Coalition thanks the following generous Sponsors of the Bridge the Bay Benefit:

sponsors' logo

In addition, sponsors and supporters include:

The Bread Workshop, City Car Share, Solano Avenue Cyclery, Tip Top Bike Shop, Berkeley Racing Canoe Center, Beaune Imports, Trader Joe’s