Bike Karaoke

Author: Bike East Bay

Everybody is invited to the Vibe Lounge, 2272 Telegraph Avenue Oakland

Between 23rd St and West Grand Ave

where the EBBC christmas party was to do “bike songs karaoke”

If the title doesn’t tell you what it means, it means taking an existing “popular” song, and changing the lyrics to be about bikes. And since it is a “popular ” song, it might even be in the karaoke machine so we wiil have background music an everything . LIke “Pedalling in the Wind” sung to Blowing inthe WInd”

So write those lyrics and join us at 7pm.

If you dont have any, I will bring lots.

The Vibe lounge has karaoke every Thursday from 7 – 10. I have no idea how many non bike people there will be, but if we get there right at 7 pm when it starts, hopefully we can all do our thing, then we can go home when the “crowd comes.

Then we can discuss here if the venue worked, what other options there are, and if this should be a first Thursday of the month event.