Bike East Bay 2020 Endorsements

Author: Bike East Bay

Yes on Prop 15

Along with a broad coalition of community organizations, transit providers, and school advocates, Bike East Bay is proud to endorse Prop 15. Prop 15: Schools and Communities First reassesses large commercial properties so that residential property is not bearing the brunt of the tax burden for schools, public transit, and community services. Check out the Prop 15 campaign website to learn more about how much your city, transit agencies, school districts, and special districts will gain from passing Prop 15. 

Join an upcoming Bike East Bay phone banking night for Yes on 15!

No on Prop 22

Bike East Bay stands with organized labor, and firmly believes all workers should receive fair compensation and benefits. Prop 22 is authored and funded at over $180M by companies like Lyft and Uber to get special exemption from state labor laws so they can avoid hiring drivers as employees and providing benefits like minimum wage and unemployment insurance. This means Uber and Lyft will pay much lower payroll taxes for lifeline social programs that all Californians benefit from. If passed, Prop 22 also includes an unprecedented 7/8ths vote requirement in the legislature to make any changes, essentially locking it in for good. Rideshare companies should play by the same rules as our transit agencies and other public and private services. Bike East Bay endorses No on 22. 

Learn more about Prop 22

City of Alameda: YES on Measure Z

City of Alameda residents have the opportunity to repeal Article 26, an exclusionary housing law, by passing Measure Z. Bike East Bay is proud to support an inclusive, affordable Alameda by supporting Measure Z. We make this endorsement along with our local partners at Bike Walk Alameda: Bike Walk Alameda supports Measure Z because we believe it will allow the kind of housing that will enable residents, workers, and visitors to drive less, and more easily live car-free. 

Learn More about Measure Z

City of Berkeley: YES on Measure GG

Along with our partner organization Walk Bike Berkeley, Bike East Bay endorses Berkeley Measure GG. The measure will place a per trip fee on Uber/Lyft rides that originate in Berkeley: 50¢ for single riders, 25¢ for pooled rides. The tax is estimated to raise $910,000 annually, which may be used to fund any municipal governmental purpose. City Council has verbally committed to establishing a committee or commission to allocate these funds to addressing the transportation-related harms caused by the TNCs.

Have you made your plan to vote? Learn more about ballot dropbox locations here!