Become a BFBC member!

last updated 2010-02-01

Join us in creating a more bicycle-friendly Berkeley for everyone — for today, and for generations to come. There is strength in numbers. By joining, you are strengthening a greater collective voice of cyclists who want to ride safely around Berkeley. You can help with your membership and you can help by volunteering.

ActevaIt’s quick and easy to join, renew, or donate
using our secure online form.

Or else you can print off this page, fill it out and mail it to
BFBC, PO Box 1181, Berkeley, CA 94701-1181, or drop it off at
the bike station.

Member information:

Name ______________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________



City, State, Zip __________________________________________

Phone _____________________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________________

I can volunteer to ________________________________________

Membership level (annual contribution; check one):

__ Sustaining: $25 *
__ Contributing: $50 *
__ Supporting: $100 *

__ Entry Level: $10
__ Living Lightly: $5
__ Other: ____________
__ Earn a free “Sustaining*” membership, which conveys full membership benefits, by volunteering for five hours in a year. To do this, contact the Volunteer Coordinator — see the volunteer page.

Membership benefits include:

Send it in

Please print this page, fill it in, and make your contribution payable to “BFBC”. Mail this page and your check to:

PO Box 1181
Berkeley CA 94701-1181

Or hand them to us at the Bikestation or at any BFBC event. BFBC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, so your contribution is tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support!