The Bicycle Subcommittee of the Transportation Commission serves as the city’s bicycle advisory committee: It initiates bicycle policy and oversees implementation of the bicycle plan. Its meetings are announced on the city’s TC web page and on EBBC’s web site as well. Currently it meets on the fourth Thurday of each month – except for holidays.

The Bicycle Subcommittee of the Transportation Commission serves as the city’s bicycle advisory committee: It initiates bicycle policy and oversees implementation of the bicycle plan. Its meetings are announced on the city’s TC web page and on EBBC’s web site as well. Currently it meets on the fourth Thurday of each month – except for holidays.

In July 2003, the city Office of Transportation stopped posting Bicycle Subcommittee meeting minutes on the web, and the status of the minutes came into question. In March 2004, OOT made it official: OOT stated they would no longer post minutes for this or any TC subcommittee.

The subcommittee decided to take notes at the meetings. Until about the end of 2006 these notes have been archived here. Since 2007 notes have been posted here.