Thank you for taking one quick hour out of your day to quickly get ready to talk up Measure B1 to voters this Fall. Here is our schedule of trainings:

We will feed you and let you practice talking about Measure B1 with other attendees. Thanks again for your help with our most important campaign in years.

Thank you for taking one quick hour out of your day to quickly get ready to talk up Measure B1 to voters this Fall. Here is our schedule of trainings:

We will feed you and let you practice talking about Measure B1 with other attendees. Thanks again for your help with our most important campaign in years.

After taking a training, feel free to Take a review of our Yes On B1 Training.

We have many volunteers opportunities for the Yes On B1 campaign:

  • Postering/flyering
  • Phone banking
  • Tabling
  • Streetside outreach
  • Social media help
  • Letters to the editor
  • and more

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