Alameda County Bicycle Plan Update is Underway

Author: Bike East Bay

bike trips by purpose chartThe Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) is in the process of updating the Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans. The goal of these updates is to reflect current bicycling and walking conditions, needs and priorities in Alameda County. The plans, which build upon local bicycle and pedestrian plans, will be used to identify countywide capital project and program priorities, and will guide the allocation of countywide funds. A complete final draft plan will be available for public review in Fall 2011.

The Alameda CTC would like your input during this update process! They have created a web page with current information about the plan updates: They will post the most current draft chapters and upcoming meetings on this page. Please visit the website to stay informed about the update process.

Outreach approach includes presenting and soliciting input on the draft Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans at local BPAC meetings. The Alameda CTC plans to bring the Draft Priority Projects and Programs Chapters to local BPACs in Spring 2011, and will post these meetings on ACTC’s website.

Where are we in the updates process right now?

The individual chapters for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan updates are being drafted and reviewed. Your comments on these draft chapters are welcome. The Draft Existing Conditions Chapters were already released and reviewed, and are being revised now. Currently, you can participate by providing feedback on the Draft Vision, Goals & Objectives Chapters and the Evaluation of Current Practices Chapter by attending the Countywide BPAC meeting or via written comments:

  • Countywide BPAC Meeting on December 9 at 5:30pm: We will present and collect feedback on the Draft Vision, Goals & Objectives Chapters and the Evaluation of Current Practices Chapter at this meeting. The meeting is open to the public, and you are encouraged to attend.

    Meeting Details:

    Alameda CTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting

    Date: Thursday, December 9, 2010

    Time: 5:30 – 8 pm

    Place: Alameda CTC

    1333 Broadway, Suite 300

    Oakland, CA 94612

    (Downtown Oakland at 12th Street/City Center BART)

  • Written Comments: The three draft chapters are available for download on our website. Comments are due December 15 at 5pm. The website includes info on how to provide comments.

    Note that Alameda CTC’s Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans build upon local bicycle and pedestrian plans. To get involved with specific local bicycle and pedestrian improvements, attend your city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) meetings.

    If you would like to be added to the Alameda CTC Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrians Plans Updates email list to receive updates during this process, please email Nicole Schneider.

Thank you, in advance, for your valuable input!

For more information, contact:

Diane Stark, Senior Transportation Planner

Alameda County Transportation Commission (formerly ACTIA and ACCMA)

1333 Broadway, Suite 220, Oakland, CA 94612



Rochelle Wheeler, Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator

Alameda County Transportation Commission (formerly ACTIA and ACCMA)

1333 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94612

Tel: 510-267-6121
