Adeline Corridor Options

Author: Bike East Bay

Adeline Corridor Specific Plan is looking at many improvements to the area along Adeline St in South Berkeley, from Dwight Way to the Oakland city line. There has been strong support for adding protected bike lanes the entire length of the project, widening sidewalks and creating more public space. The most important concern from local residents is the need for more affordable housing.

From Shattuck Ave to Sanford Street, there is a lot of real estate to play with, and a real opportunity to redesign this wide street from a car-dominated arterial to a neighborhood boulevard. The potential for adding protected bike lanes will depend a lot on what kind of significant changes can be made to narrow Adeline St and create more public space and parks, which the area lacks. We know that Adeline St does not need as many traffic lanes as it currently does.

Project Area

As the community of South Berkeley discusses potential improvements, here are some of our design options to add protected bike lanes. Please let us know what you think.

Shattuck Ave north of Adeline St

On Shattuck Ave, between Dwight Way and Adeline, the street is 160ft wide, and carries 32,000 cars/day. Parking bays are relocated adjacent travel lanes and at bus stops we provide red bus lanes to indicate that buses will stop in these lanes for passenger loading. Protected bike lanes are shown in green, separated from cars by a raised curb. Notice the much wider, inviting sidewalks, which create a strong sense of place amongst successfull local businesses.

Adeline St at Berkeley Bowl

Adeline St widens south of Shattuck Ave to 180ft but only carries 17,900 cars per day, which is easily accomodated by one travel lane in each direction. Diagonal parking is introduced to these blocks to provide more parking for the Berkeley Bowl and other nearby businesses.

Adeline St’s configuration at the Ashby BART Station could remain much as it is today, with the most important change being a switching of the bike lane and parking, so that the bike lane is against the curb and parallel parking/drop offs are to the left of the bike lane, out in the street where this activity belongs.

Adeline St at Harmon St

South of MLK Jr Way, Adeline St gets more traffic and again needs four lanes of traffic. Here we have created a ‘protected bike lane/bus lane and car parking lane, separated by a curb from moving traffic. This is somewhat like the existing parking bays, except the parking stalls are adjacent the moving traffic and the bike lane is next to the curb.

More on the Adeline Corridor Specific Plan