Active Transportation Grant – East Bay Updates

Author: Bike East Bay

The Active Transportation Program (ATP) was created in 2013, as a means to consolidate and aggregate a diverse number of funding sources promoting active transportation into one program. The ATP is the single largest pot of money available to cities and counties fully dedicated to bike and ped projects. 

State and federal law divides the ATP into three main sections each with a set percentage of funding to disburse: 

  • 50% to the state for a statewide competitive program
  • 10% to the small urban and rural area competitive program to be managed by the state
  • 40% to the large urbanized area competitive program, with funding distributed by population and managed by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) – also known as the Regional Competitive ATP. In the Bay Area, that is the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). 

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) develops guidelines for the ATP. The CTC Guidelines lay out the programming policies, procedures, and project selection criteria for the statewide competitive program, as well as for the small urban/rural and large MPO regional competitive programs.

Large MPOs, such as MTC, have the option of developing their own policies, procedures, and project selection criteria that differ from those adopted by CTC, provided they are approved by CTC. The rankings therefore between statewide and regional recommendations can vary greatly. 

The ATP has approximatey $215M to disburse in each cycle. The amount of funding requested by all projects is significantly more; over $1B. 

Updates from Bike East Bay and our Partners

This is a non-comprehensive list of ATP-related blog posts from Bike East Bay and our partners. 

10/9/2015 – Regional Round of ATP Grants Awarded

10/9/2015 – BikeWalkCV – 3 Sidewalk Grants Recommended for Approval!

10/2015 – California Bicycle Coalition – ATP Cycle 2 Aims to Fund New Bikeways Statewide

9/18/2015 – 2015 Statewide Recommendations

5/19/2015 – Action Alert: Increase Funding for the Active Transportation Program

9/10/2014 – Local ATP Grant Recommendations Announced: Bikeshare gets $8.1M

8/13/2014 – California Bicycle Coalition – ATP Funded projects have been released

9/30/2013 – California Bicycle Coalition – The Active Transportation Program and Why It’s Important


Caltrans’ ATP Homepage

MTC’s ATP Homepage